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GANGS Essay Research Paper OVERVIEW OF GANGSOriginally free essay sample
GANGS Essay, Research Paper OVERVIEW OF GANGS Originally the word pack had no negative intension. In Old English, pack merely referred to a # 8220 ; figure of people who went around together-a group. # 8221 ; Today a pack can be defined in four basic ways: ? an organized group with a leader ? a incorporate group that normally remains together during peaceable times every bit good as times of struggle ? a group whose members show unity through vesture, linguistic communication ? a group whose activities are condemnable or endangering to the larger society. Gangs are one of the consequences of poorness, favoritism and urban impairment. Some experts believe that immature people, undereducated and without entree to good occupations, become frustrated with their lives and articulation packs as an alternate to boredom, hopelessness and lay waste toing poorness. Surveies have attempted to find why packs blight some communities but there has been no unequivocal reply. As a consequence, people working to work out pack jobs have great trouble. We will write a custom essay sample on GANGS Essay Research Paper OVERVIEW OF GANGSOriginally or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They find the state of affairs overwhelming, and the force continues. Early GANGS IN UNITED STATES HISTORY No groups wholly suiting the above description of packs existed in America until the early 1800s, but from the beginning of the European colony in America there was gang-like activity, particularly when category differentiations came into being. Gang members tended to be from the poorer categories and tended to be from the same race or cultural background. They banded together for protection, diversion or fiscal addition. THE twentieth CENTURY GANGS In the early 1900s the U.S. economic system worsened, the population grew at a rapid gait, and the spread between the rich and hapless widened. All across the state packs appeared where hapless, hopeless people lived. The morning of the twentieth century besides brought with it a widespread usage of pieces. 1920s By mid 1920s there were 1313 packs in Chicago and more than 25,000 members. Gang warfare in Chicago was widespread and contending took topographic point along cultural, cultural and racial lines. Some packs had no noticeable cultural, cultural or national ties and consisted largely of Whites. Chicano Gangs The 1920s and 1930s saw the rise of Chicano ( Mexican-American ) packs in Los Angeles. By the 1940s Chicano packs established their topographic point in Los Angeles-their zoot suits ( a manner of frock incorporating tapered bloomerss, long wide- shoulder coats and broad-brimmed chapeaus ) had become a familiar sight. Contending back against torment of white occupants and sing soldiers during the alleged zoot suit public violences in 1943 strengthened their cause. Post World War II After World War II pack rank: 1.became younger, 2.the nationality of the rank became mostly colored ( though Italians, Irish and other white cultural groups still made up a per centum ) , 3.drugs became a more publicised concern, 4.gang activity centered around large-scale, well-organized street combat, 5.fire-arms were used more frequently, 6.the construction of organisation became more stiff, 7.and society at big became concerned with packs as a societal job and worked toward rehabilitation. Changes in Cultural Populations The 1950s During the 1950s pack contending rose to an all clip high in metropoliss like New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles and Cleveland. Gang members were normally in their teens. Codes of frock ( black leather jackets were popular ) and mannerisms were an of import agencies of designation. Body linguistic communication said a batch about the nature of the pack. When a pack decided to go a combat, or # 8220 ; bopping # 8221 ; pack, its members instantly took on a different manner of walking. A rhythmic pace, characterized by the forward motion of the caput with each measure. Footings for contending were: bopping, rumbling, jitterbugging. Gang members used guns, knives, and homemade arms. Most common drugs-alcohol, marihuana, diacetylmorphine. New York packs fought along racial lines-African-American, white, Puerto Rican. Normally they fought over misss or sod. Turf could be anything from a few blocks to an full vicinity. Gang members believed it was indispensable to protect the award of their girlfr! iends. And in the late 1950, girl packs, with strong ties to boy packs, began to organize. Revenge was required by an inflexible codification of pack trueness. It was from such incidents that packs drew their sense of pride, of # 8220 ; being somebody. # 8221 ; In order to battle the rise of force, organisations like the New York City Youth Board sent societal workers into the slums to organize relationships with the packs. In some instances it worked ; in many it did non. The sixtiess The 1960s saw a diminution in pack force, in portion because drug usage escalated. Where there was more drug usage there was less gang force. America # 8217 ; s attending besides shifted to the civil rights motion, urban ghetto public violences, Vietnam War protests. A new racial consciousness had its consequence on local street pack, making organisations that were more involved in communities. The Black Panthers arose in Oakland in 1968, the Black Muslims gained national prominence in the # 8217 ; 60s and a Puerto Rican pack, the Young Lord s, formed in the early ââ¬â¢70s. The 1970s By early 1972 packs were doing headlines once more. Drug usage seemed to be diminishing and force increasing. Gang rank grew and the potency for force was far greater for the packs had entree to arms that no pack of all time had before. They did non do their central offices in public topographic points, but in private topographic points. Gangs besides acquired greater legal and political edification. When it is evident that person must be arrested for a offense, frequently the pack chooses a minor because his prison sentence will be shorter. Serving a term in gaol helps hike his repute. GANGS Today Since the 1980s, as the ghettos go more and more overcrowded, a pack # 8217 ; s district has become no more than a individual corner or a block. Guns decide statements rapidly and gang wars today are normally fought like guerilla warfare with sniping from rooftops and speedy shootings from rushing autos replacing face to confront confrontations. Gangs have been reported in all 50 provinces and come from many backgrounds. Some packs still form in immigrant communities populated, for illustration, by recent reachings from Vietnam, El Salvador and Haiti. Others cultivate members in vicinities dwelling of households who have lived in the United States for coevalss. Members are still normally male, between the ages 13 and 24. Geography of Today # 8217 ; s Gangs Although packs are more common in metropolitan countries such as Los Angeles, Chicago and New York, pack activity besides occurs in midsize metropoliss such as Fort Wayne, Indiana ; Albuquerque, New Mexico and Louisville, Kentucky. In 1984 there were an estimated 450 packs and 40,000 members in Los Angeles, today there are twice every bit many packs and more than 100,000 members. In 1987 Louisville reported 1000 pack members, Albuquerque 1757 members and Fort Wayne 50 members. Reasons for Gang Membership Gangs are still mostly populated by immature people from disenfranchised vicinities characterized by overcrowding, high unemployment, high bead out rates, deficiency of societal and recreational services, and a general feeling of hopelessness. Some experts estimate than more than 80 % of pack members are illiterate and happen it about impossible to acquire a occupation. Gaining a Life Young people turn to packs as a agency to gain a life through drug trafficking, illegal arms gross revenues, robbery and larceny. The demand for protection draws some immature people who live in communities where non-gang members are continually harassed by pack members. Some immature people join packs as a manner to derive the regard they lack at place and in the community. Or they may fall in packs because all their friends are making it ; it merely sseems like a natural thing to make. Some experts say that immature people from troubled places try to happen utility households in packs. Abuse, disregard, and loss seem to be common subjects among many pack members. Gang Structure Gang construction varies. The largest packs, some with every bit many as 2,000 members, interrupt up into smaller groups called nines and coteries. Clubs typically bring more district to a gang-they are subdivisions of the pack that move into a new vicinity to develop new concern ( normally drug trafficking ) . Cliques assemble new pack members and unite them along similar involvements ( street combat, burglary ) . In the 1970s many little packs changed their names to make an association with the repute of two Los Angeles packs, the Crips and the Bloods. Today Bloods and Crips can be found all across the United States. Gang Leadership Some packs operate informally, with leading falling to whoever takes control. Other packs have distinguishable leaders and extremely structured packs have officers, much like a corporation. The president might direct the pack # 8217 ; s concern traffics and the frailty president might maintain members in line, supervising the pack # 8217 ; s communicating web, including auto phones, walky-talkies, beepers and pagers. Gang members use these devices to organize drug trades and to protect themselves from apprehension. The warlord keeps order at gang meetings, plans battles against rival packs and controls the pack # 8217 ; s armory. Highly structured packs can be found all around the state, but are most common in New York where competition for drug money and position is high. Solution Although there are no easy solutions to the pack job in this state the following are some thoughts that have been put frontward by sociologists, societal workers, jurisprudence enforcement forces and citizens from beat-up communities. 1.Create occupations for immature people. 2.Develop community plans in the humanistic disciplines, athleticss, etc. 3.Make certain immature people receive a good instruction. 4.Prevent kids from fall ining packs in the first topographic point by supplying other disputing chances. 5.Create alternate life state of affairss for kids who can non remain at place. 6.Provide guidance services for households and immature people. 7.Society as a whole must look at jobs of poorness and favoritism. 8.Individuals can contend bias by get downing to appreciate cultural differences. 9.Young people can make their portion by being unfastened to alternate activities.
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